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Sales Daily Results
Enter your daily activity results in the form below
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* Indicates required question
Name *
Jeremy Woodruff
Glenn Richards
Noah Williams
Zach French
Daniel Harris
Amanda Jones
Sam Boehan
Evan Egli
Date *
How many doors did you knock today? *
Your answer
How many prospects did you talk to today? (Physical Face to Face) *
Your answer
How many inspections did you perform today?  (Need to Shoot your videos) *
Your answer
How Many of Those Inspections had Damage? *
Your answer
How many presentations (Demos) did you give today? *
Your answer
How many contingencies did you sign today? *
Your answer
How many contingencies turned into contracted jobs today? *
Your answer
What is the estimated revenue of today's agreements? *
Your answer
How Many Upgrades were sold on those signed agreements? *
Your answer
How many jobs did you get approved today? Jobs approved into Production. *
Your answer
How many Demos did you schedule today? *
Your answer
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